
A person at any age has the right of decent life. Every society is under obligation to elderly people. It is its duty to create social harmony for them, which means on the one hand, guarantee to meet necessary social demands. On the other hand, it underlies the utilization of their skills, abilities and especially their experience in social life. At the same time, with respect to every elderly people, the society is limited in time by the nature. Due to this circumstance, it does not have right of postponement or mistakes, because it will not have a second chance. Therefore, the society should start ensuring dignified old age immediately and properly. All efforts taken for elderly is a human obligation and, besides, an investment in the future – we will be treated in our old age as we treat the elderly now.


For realization of its mission, Taoba defines the following strategic directions:

  • Researching elderly population problems and elaborating optimal assistance models; developing family and community oriented services; establishing service delivery units in Tbilisi and regions; assisting elderly in solving social and health problems;
  • Training of other service providers, assisting acting groups/organizations in upgrading their qualifications; establishing and functioning of integrated models/coalitions with similar profile organizations;
  • Popularization of elderly problems and interests, lobbying towards various society groups, business, local and central government.


For realization of its mission, Taoba defines the following strategic directions:

  • Researching elderly population problems and elaborating optimal assistance models; developing family and community oriented services; establishing service delivery units in Tbilisi and regions; assisting elderly in solving social and health problems;
  • Training of other service providers, assisting acting groups/organizations in upgrading their qualifications; establishing and functioning of integrated models/coalitions with similar profile organizations;
  • Popularization of elderly problems and interests, lobbying towards various society groups, business, local and central government.


Over the years Taoba has been implementing large-scale budget projects with support of donors worldwide, including donors from the EU, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, the US, Switzerland, etc.

This cooperation contributed largely to transform the best Western experience in elderly care into the Georgian analogies which still need wider application in the country. With good will, it is possible while unique methodology is in place.

  • At micro level Taoba provides services in Elderly club, Care Home and Homecare.
  • At mezzo-level Taoba operates within the frames of Homecare Coalition and Dignified Old Age League involves volunteers and students;
  • At macro-level Taoba advocates elderly at public and state policy levels.